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What form of identification are you using? ID Number Passport number
You must enter either an SA ID or a Passport number to proceed. Please select from this list.
Identity number is empty or invalid. Please fill in this field.
Passport number is empty or invalid. Please fill in this field.
Date of birth is empty or invalid. Please fill in this field.
Take Home Pay
Take Home Pay R1000 - R3 000 R3 001 - R5 000 R5 001 - R7 000 R7 001 - R10 000 R10 001 - R15 000 R15 001 - R20 000 R20 001 +
Please ensure that your take home pay (net income) is accurate as incorrect information may result in your application being delayed and/or declined.
Take home pay is empty or invalid. Please fill in this field.
Terms and conditions not agreed to. Please tick this field if you wish to proceed.
I agree that: Lewis Stores (Pty) Ltd may draw my personal credit information from the credit bureaux; in terms of the National Credit Act I must consent and grant permission for Lewis Stores (Pty) Ltd to draw my personal credit information; and by ticking the tickbox, I expressly consent and grant permission to Lewis Stores (Pty) Ltd to draw my personal credit information.